Die Gerätetechnik ist ein sehr breit gefächertes Themengebiet, welches zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt. In diesem Blog wollen wir uns vor all
Die Rolle von Ingenieuren und Interim Managern in der Beratung
Kürzere Produktlebenszyklen, Differenzierungsdruck und vor allem die Technologiedynamik machen es sogar den etablierten Konglomeraten...
Certification for Hardware Products: What You need to Know
The joy that comes with successfully testing a product and seeing it work, is one that cannot be easily quantified for it is something...
Die verschiedenen Arten der Produktentwicklung und ihre Vorteile
Produktenwicklung ist für jedes Unternehmen ein wichtiges und Zukunft bestimmendes Thema. Schon hier wird oft zwischen Erfolg und...
Best CADmouse vs Drafting mouse
Finding the best CAD mouse surged from an unexpected desire. Some of us at HTPD spend hours and hours 2D and 3D modeling and for a long...
Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)
Today's technology has improved a lot compared to what we had decades ago. Internet of things (IOT) aims at revolutionizing the way we...
Thermal Transfer Product (TTP) Design
Over the years, HTPD has deeply accquired expertise in thermal transfer product design. With the contribution of our highly qualified...
Heat Transfer Products (HTP) Design and Manufacture
HTPD (Heat Transfer and Process Design) is one of the top companies in NRW, Germany that specialize in design and manufacture of...
Air Cooled Heat Exchanger Design, Manufacture and Certification
As one of trusted companies in heat exchanger design, HTPD is committed to delivering a very efficient and high quality heat exchanger to...